
Monthly Archives: March 2011

I know I go on about this book far too much, and now I’m linking this video, finally, I promise I will shhh and try and match it with my next 2 projects.

The guys at the college have been playing around with a new toy, they have invested in a camera so that we are able to upload movies of any final outcomes that result in a physical object. Unlike any work that has been digitally produced, where you can easily upload the files or images, with a book its much harder to see the concept of a physical object by looking at an image on a screen. The video allows you to engage in the physical structure of the book and the layout and concept of the journey contained in the narrative.

As a designer I want to incorporate the use of material and process as much as I can in the work I produce and not rely on the computer, although that was used for the digital photography, and the video documents that, you can see the paper used and the hand cutting involved to create the windows. So thanks to Dave Dixon for filming my book and uploading it to youtube.

Currently I am involved with a collaborative project for the University of Essex where myself and Alexandra Clarke and Gabriela Targhetta have been tasked with designing the promotional material for the TimeFrame exhibition created by MA students from the university. As this is a collaboration there is no guarantee that the work I produce will be used, as we obviously have to make compromises as all three of us have different ideas. But I am going to take this opportunity to showcase my own designs, even though they aren’t going to be used for the final material outcomes. The idea was to create the title out of rusty nails and that turned out like this:

Then using the photography we had of the title, we set about designing the promotional posters for the exhibition. So here are my designs.

These were my initial ideas, working with the type we had created, but now this is not the direction that has been decided upon, but I’m rather pleased with what I produced so thought I would show it. Once we have finalised the actual exhibition work then I will upload so you can see where we ended up.

Tuesday I went to Somerset House in London to Pick Me Up graphic exhibition. I found some amazing work from up and coming designers at the fair, and of course came away with lots of ‘free stuff’ to go in my journals. I was surprised at what I was inspired by, as I’ve never really seen myself as a typographer or thought I would be inspired by some very info-graphic styled pieces, but obviously I was wrong on that one. This is what I liked the most:

Guys I need some help for a starting point on my new brief. I would like 2 songs of the same genre from 2 different decades that are well written lyrically to turn in to a piece of graphic design. Any ideas? Anyone? Please I’m desperate. Thanks

Currently I’m attempting to write an essay on sustainable design, not directly about advertising, more about how as graphic designers and communicators we have a role to play in persuading the consumer to buy sustainably and consider environmental issues in the consumer society. Anyway enough of that eco-jazz …. I was looking through my old archive of images and adverts that inspire me and that I like, and I found these little gems hidden away from last year.

These three adverts are very well designed and I think look lovely. The point of the adverts is to make you aware of the environmental issues in the world today. Obviously the penguins are highlighting global warming, the hourglass is also highlighting the effects global warming will have on the Earth and the little fishy in the bottle is all about saving water. The concepts are great and reach the audience in an innovative way. Not intirely sure how old these adverts are but I had them kicking around so thought I would share them all with you, they are far too good for nobody to see.

While having a look at the posts on my Twitter site I found that Little White Lies had tweeted this video in a post. Its a small video showing the cover of Issue 34 of the magazine. The cover is an amazing piece of design, not just for the imagery but for the fact it actually glows in the dark, WOW. Another great issue after the terrific Black Swan issue, and what a way to blow your design budget hey!

As I have already uploaded my own work from the first semester, thought I would show you what the rest of Year 2 Graphic Media can do too. I appologise for the quality of the photographs as they were taken on my Blackberry. The first is a picture of the final posters created for the London Overground project, and the second is the display cabinet with work in from both the projects. AND YES mine is in it, the book with the orange rectangles on the front on the top shelf and the packaging in the middle on the bottom shelf is also mine. Once my book comes off display I will add more pictures as its my proudest achievement to date.